A true revelation of the year on the international scene, Justine Lemeteyer is following in the footsteps of her French elders, Delphine Cousin and Marion Mortefon, and could well be the slalom rider of the next few years. For Windsurfjournal.com, she looks back on her PWA World Vice-Champion title and her crazy 2022 season!
Windsurfjournal.com: IFCA World Champion, PWA World Vice-Champion, AFF French Champion, etc... Looking back, what does this 2022 season inspire you, during which you particularly distinguished yourself?
Justine Lemeteyer: It was a busy season with 11 events in 8 months. That's what I wanted at the beginning of the season, to do a maximum of major events. I was lucky enough to have a lot of partners who enabled me to do all these events. I knew at the beginning of the season that there were titles to be won in the youth IFCA class, but I expected to perform less well in the senior class. I'm having a bit of trouble looking back on this incredible season. As soon as I came back from Japan, I had to put my head back in the exams, I didn't have a rest phase to really settle down. But what I feel is that the work is paying off, the physical preparation is working, so it's motivating for the future!
WJ: In Japan, which was the only women's stage this season, what does this mixed wing/wing race format inspire you?
JL: I don't have much experience in PWA, I can't have a clear opinion on the race format. We are on foil most of the time, we will only switch to fin from 25 knots established so depending on the spots of the season, it does not represent a lot of racing ... In total, on Croatia and Japan, I have done only one race in fin. And I think that, in a few years with this mixed format, we will be on foil constantly even in strong winds. Some athletes showed it in Japan on the 30 knot day, the foils were not that far away. There is a reflection on how to get us to use the fin more often, notably by limiting the number of front wings allowed on the foil... So it is difficult to have a clear idea and to see the direction we are going to take even in the short term. Personally, I'm having a lot of fun on both, so we're going to keep pushing on both, and we're going to have to be careful and ready to adapt to future rules.
WJ: 2023 is already on the horizon and you will now be the woman to beat, how do you see yourself approaching things?
JL: It's true that after Japan, I realized that now I would have to assume this status. But it doesn't change the game, the objective remains the same. I've just finished my rest period, we're going back to work next week to start preparing for the 2023 season. I continue to trust Kilian Philippe for the physical preparation, and we will continue to spend time on the water. The recipe remains the same, pleasure, and work! I'm really looking forward to 2023, hoping to discover a real PWA circuit over several stages.
To find out more about Justine Lemeteyer: www.instagram.com/justinelemeteyer
Source: Justine Lemeteyer
Photos: Carter/Pwaworldtour.com