It s Marseille baby


A dress rehearsal before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in 1 year's time, the iQFOil Test Event kicks off in Marseille on Tuesday, with the Slalom on the programme and Emma Wilson and Nicolas Goyard already at the forefront.
After the other Olympic series, which started on Sunday, it's the turn of the 23 women and 24 men in the iQFOil to take part in the Test Event in Marseilles on Tuesday. The forecast was for a south-easterly breeze, which strengthened as the morning progressed, and it was shortly after 1pm that the competitors set off around the Corniche in a wind oscillating between 11 and 15 knots. With this irregular onshore wind, the race committee favoured the Slalom discipline, with races rarely exceeding 5 minutes in total.

On this type of race, where the start is quite simply fundamental, the tension was palpable for the 1st inaugural race of the day and no less than 10 competitors in the men's category were eliminated from the start for premature starts! On this very intense course, where the slightest mistake is fatal, it's also important to avoid air gaps, and it was Italian Nicolo Renna who quickly made his mark by winning the first 2 races of the day. Frenchman Nicolas Goyard, who finished 12th and suffered a drop in the wind in the 1st race of the day, kept his cool and showed his speed in the next 3 races, finishing 2nd and twice 1st to take the lead. As is often the case in Olympic events, where the underdogs are given a run for their money, American Noah Lyons was in 3rd place at the end of the day, followed by Spain's Nacho Baltasar Summers.

Among the favourites in the women's race, England's Emma Wilson lost the 1st race of the day to Spain's Pilar Lamadrid before going on to win 3 times. Behind her, the battle raged for 3rd place between New Zealand's Veerle Ten Have, the Netherlands' Sara Wennekes and Italy's Giorgia Speciale.
Wednesday is the 2nd day of this Test Event, with more uncertain weather forecasts and a stubborn heat that the competitors have to contend with.


Source : World Sailing
Photos : World Sailing

tags: Test Event Jeux Olympiques Paris 2024 Marseille Emma Wilson Nicolas Goyard

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