40 knots in windfoil, it s done!


On Wednesday 26th July, French windsurfer Nicolas Goyard achieved an extraordinary feat, setting a new personal record and breaking the coveted 40-knot windfoil barrier the day before the start of the PWA event in Fuerteventura.
Launched in the spring of 2021 (see our article of 4 April 2021), the 40 Knots Challenge finally reached its epilogue on 26 July in Sotavento, Fuerteventura, with Nicolas Goyard reaching 41.01 knots over 2 seconds in windfoil. The Frenchman's perseverance and determination were finally rewarded.
Only 4 runs were needed to achieve this historic feat as F-465 trained for the PWA Slalom event starting on 27 July. From the first run he flirted with 40 knots, reaching 39.84 and then 39.87. After another run at 39.21, a strong gust propelled it to 41.01 knots in 2 seconds, setting a new personal best for windfoil.
At the start of the 40 Knots Challenge, Nicolas Goyard didn't think he could achieve such a feat and even doubted the feasibility of the project. However, as time went by, and thanks to progressive improvements in foils, boards and sails, as well as his own skills, the 40-knot target no longer seemed like a dream. However, it took more than 2 years, less than half a knot away from that fateful barrier, before he finally crossed it.
By breaking the mythical 40-knot barrier on a windfoil, Nicolas Goyard has left an indelible mark in the history of windsurfing, proving that the sport has never stopped progressing and evolving...


To find out more about Nicolas Goyard: www.instagram.com/nico.f465


Source: Nicolas Goyard
Photo: Nicolas Goyard

tags: Nicolas Goyard 40 Knots Challenge

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