3 questions to Pierre Mortefon


After many weeks without news, Pierre Mortefon finally revealed his partner for this season at the end of last week (see our article of 2 February 2024). Speaking to Windsurfjournal.com, he talks about his carefully considered choice and his ambitions for this year!


Windsurfjournal.com: Speculation was rife throughout January. What finally made you decide to sign for Phantom Foiling?
Pierre Mortefon: Yes, I saw that there were quite a few discussions on the subject, but I tried to ignore them. I wanted to take my time, discuss all the terms of the contract and make the best decision for my future. I had a sad moment in December that allowed me to take stock. After some reflection, what I wanted was to get back to the top and to be playing for victory from 2024. From that point on, things tightened up. What finally made me decide was the level of the equipment - I think it's the best on the market at the moment!


WJ: With a new partner at your side, how do you see the future from now on and what are your goals for 2024?
PM: My goal is to win the PWA title and other events like the Défi Wind. I'm super motivated, it's a new chapter. There's a lot of work involved in getting used to everything, but I'm really into it. The first few sails have reassured me that I've made the right choice! It's great to get a good speed score straight away, passing 40 knots on foils. Alex Udin, the boss of Phantom Foiling, was there with me to show me the equipment, and I also had quite a few quick discussions with Nicolas Goyard, who developed the equipment and is a reference. All these factors mean that I'm very happy with my choice.


WJ: The PWA World Tour recently announced the new Slalom X format. How do you feel about this, and how are you going to take part, given that Phantom Foiling is a 100% foiling brand?
PM: This announcement by the PWA has already caused a lot of ink to flow. I hope that we'll be able to do some normal races before we get too carried away, even if a bit of novelty is always welcome. A lot of people were surprised by my choice. But Phantom has fin sails, and they've proved their worth in the past. Alex, who designs the sails, has done a lot of work on them and they were developed with Alexandre Cousin, who was in the team before. I've already got some surfaces and they're great sails! As for the boards, we'll have to wait and see. But the aim is also, in this discipline that I love, to win! Now we're off to the water to prepare for this great year.


To find out more about Pierre Mortefon: www.instagram.com/pierremortefon


Source: Pierre Mortefon
Photos: Alex Udin/Phantom Foiling

tags: Pierre Mortefon Phantom Foiling

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