3 questions to Pascal Boulanger


Pascal Boulanger, a speed enthusiast from the start, took part in the Prince of Speed - ISWC, where he finished in a respectable 9th place among the world's best in ailerons. Back home in Almanarre, he talks to us about this event and the discipline he loves the most!


Windsurfjournal.com: How would you sum up this long week in La Palme and how did you experience it from the inside?
Pascal Boulanger: It was a great week despite the lack of wind in the middle of the event! We attacked with a nice run even though the wind wasn't great. We were able to validate it and it still slipped a bit. Then we waited, of course, that's how it is, we're used to it, it's the competition. And then on the last day we had three nice races with a bit of wind. The orientation was not great, we were a bit cross, there were not too many angles. Apart from the leaders at the front, it was difficult to go very fast in all the races. We had to be steady and that's what I like. You have races from 1 hour to 1 hour and a half, we take your 2 best runs to make an average, it's a formula I like...


WJ: The field was particularly strong, what was your aim at the start?
PB: It's true that it was pretty tough! I am happy because all the guys who usually go to Namibia were there. It's a magical place where things go fast. There are a lot of people going fast and when you race on the ocean with this ranking system you have to be consistent and it's different.


WJ: At over 60 years of age to be in the top 10 of such a high level speed competition, it shows that this is a discipline in which one "ages well"...?
PB: It's like rallying in cars, there's really no age limit! And you shouldn't look at it that way... If you have the motivation, the brains and the desire, you can do it. It's a pleasure to be in the top 10 in the world. I didn't do too badly in the previous editions of the Prince of Speed. Now, in 9th place with all the top drivers in Namibia, I am happy as a clown! I don't show it too much, but the joy is there. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Principe Baldini, his team and the community of La Palme. It's complicated to set up a speed event and he works his butt off. He's a good guy, he listens to the riders, he sends us into the water when it's good. He goes out of his way to organise everything. And then the place is great, the water is great, it's perfect for speed, nothing can stop you, apart from the sandbanks sometimes!


To know more about Pascal Boulanger: www.instagram.com/boulf800


Source : Pascal Boulanger
Photo : Aurélien Toulan

tags: Pascal Boulanger Prince of Speed - ISWC

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