The PWA event in Pozo by Johannes Hertel


As an accomplished cameraman and drone pilot, Johannes Hertel whetted our appetite before the start of the Gran Canaria Windsurf World Cup in Pozo Izquierdo in the Canary Islands at the beginning of July (see our articles over the last few weeks).
Now that the competition is over, he's back with some of his productions and a summary of the best moments from the men's wave event.
The programme includes 9 minutes of action, Marc Paré, Victor Fernandez, Liam Dunkerbeck, Ricardo Campello and Philip Köster in action and a spot at Pozo Izquierdo that we rarely see...


To find out more about Johannes Hertel:


Source: Johannes Hertel

tags: PWA World Tour Gran Canaria Windsurf World Cup Pozo Izquierdo Johannes Hertel

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