Daida Moreno, the best of 2023


After 18 world titles in waves and 22 victories at home in Pozo Izquierdo on Gran Canaria in the Canaries, Daida Moreno decided to retire from the sport last July (see our article of 19 July 2023)... But at 46 years of age, E-64 has certainly not said goodbye to windsurfing and is sailing whenever she can.
The proof is in the video with this best of of of her best home sessions and a Daida Moreno whose repertoire is enough to make any guy swoon!


To find out more about Daida Moreno: www.instagram.com/morenotwins


Source: Daida Moreno

tags: Daida Moreno Pozo Izquierdo Gran Canaria

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