The Tridem is back!


A project that kept windsurfers all over the world in suspense from 2016 to 2020 (see our articles from that time), the famous Tridem of Raphaël Filippi will be back in the spring of 2023!
This time with César Filippi, Raphaël's son, and Jean Beligaud, the fine team has decided to follow the foil trend and the first tests are obviously very convincing.
The proof is in the video of this beautiful production, signed by the Horue Movie team and a tridem team that still has some adjustments to make, as you can see at the end of the video!


To know more about Raphaël Filippi:


Source: Raphaël Filippi


tags: Raphaël Filippi César Filippi Jean Beligaud tridem

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