EFPT King and Queen of the Caribbean 2023


First major event of the season on the Freestyle Pro Tour, it is in Bonaire in the Dutch Antilles that the circuit dedicated to freestyle stopped from April 7 to 10 for the EFPT King and Queen of the Caribbean 2023.
In video, a few days later, we look back at the complete summary of this high-flying competition which saw the victory of local Youp Schmit but above all the return to his best level of Lennart Neubauer.
On the programme, nearly 7 minutes of pure action and freestylers who remain at the top of their game despite a discipline that still appeals to young people, although it has been less in the spotlight in recent years...


Source : Freestyle Pro Tour

tags: Freestyle Pro Tour FPT EFPT King and Queen of the Caribbean Youp Schmit

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