Dieter Van der Eykens winter in Tenerife


"The winter of 2021 - 2022 was my second consecutive full winter on Tenerife since moving to the island in 2018. With strong calima winds, a few SW storms and a lot of spots checking, it was another winter filled with special big wave sessions. From an unexpected session in the North to unique conditions in Las Amerias only seen on very rare strong SE Calima winds. The North shore of Tenerife has some of the best & most intense waves you can imagine, where the line between doing the perfect turn/air and a trip to the rocks in extremely thin. It’s this rush of being at the edge of your comfort zone and the unique feeling in the bottom turn you get when riding waves like this that make it worth the risks. Thanks everyone for filming & now looking forward to a windy summer on the canaries for some side on riding."


For more information on Dieter Van der Eyken:


Source: Dieter Van der Eyken


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