Daida, back to the ocean


A Spanish waverider who retired last summer (see our article of 12 July 2023), Daida Moreno had an extraordinary career. But some will remember that in 2012, the 18-time world champion underwent surgery for ovarian cancer, a step that forms the plot of the short film "Daida, back to the ocean".
The film, a documentary by young Canarian filmmaker and windsurfer Pablo Ramírez from SaltyDrops, has its sights set on Spain's biggest film prize, the Goya Awards 2024. The film has been nominated in the "Best Documentary Short" category and tells the story of Daida Moreno's fight against cancer. And to ensure maximum promotion, "Daida, back to the ocean" is available free of charge on YouTube until 27 November.
All profits generated will be used to raise public awareness and make donations to the Spanish Cancer Association.


To find out more about Daida Moreno: www.instagram.com/morenotwins


Source: SaltyDrops

tags: Daida Moreno Pablo Ramírez SaltyDrops

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