A disappointing 2023 edition


With little wind and few new records, the Lüderitz Speed Challenge 2023 came to an end on December 3, without meeting the expectations of many. With 50.97 knots, Gunnar Asmussen achieved the best performance this year, while Melek Toraman improved on the German women's record.

With 5 weeks of attempts, a well-prepared artificial canal this year and the presence of Antoine Albeau, the current world record holder, all the ingredients were in place to ensure that the 2023 edition of the Lüderitz Speed Challenge was a success.
After a promising start with a new German record in the women's category for Melek Toraman (45.85 knots) and her compatriot Gunnar Asmussen, the 1st (and ultimately the only) to break 50 knots, the machine quickly broke down. After a period of calm, conditions looked favourable again towards the middle of the race, but they were never enough to break the records hoped for.

With the notable absences of Björn Dunkerbeck, Heidi Ulrich, Vincent Valkenaers, Hans Kreisel and Twan Verseput, a total of 11 competitors took part in this 2023 edition. With 99 runs on the canal, Germany's Thomas Moldenhauer was the most persistent, followed by Gunnar Asmussen with 90 runs. 2nd in this year's rankings, Antoine Albeau, made 48.97 knots and 60 runs in total, although he was handicapped for a long time by an injury sustained at the start of the competition (see our article of 15 November 2023)...


Source: Lüderitz Speed Challenge
Photos: Lüderitz Speed Challenge

tags: Lüderitz Speed Challenge Melek Toraman Gunnar Asmussen Antoine Albeau

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