The Défi Wind of Nico Prien


After a fine 9th place finish at the Torbole PWA World Cup in Italy, German slalom racer Nico Prien headed to Gruissan in the south of France to take part in his first ever Défi Wind.
From his arrival at the event to his discovery of the spot and the course he took during the competition, Nico Prien has put together a very interesting production, the secret of which lies in the details of this unique experience.
On the programme: a sympathetic account with a wealth of images, a more than respectable 21st place for a first participation (and even a 14th place in the final race), but above all a Nico Prien who admits that he had goose bumps like never before at the moment of starting with the other 1405 participants!


To know more about Nico Prien:


Source: Nico Prien

tags: Nico Prien Défi Wind Gruissan

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