Target 40


The Lüderitz Speed Challenge is an annual speed event in which some of the world's best windsurfers compete. It is a private competition open to anyone who wants to take part and go beyond their own limits.
Passionate about windsurfing and speed, Régis Lesieur decided to take the plunge last year and take part in the 2023 edition. He has a single goal, a modest one in the eyes of the leaders, but a symbolic one: to break the mythical 40-knot barrier.
Accompanied by the SAR Production team on this real sporting and human adventure, Régis Lesieur shares his vision of the event with us in a beautiful video that sublimates Namibia and its majestic landscapes!


To find out more about Régis Lesieur:

Source: SAR Production

tags: Régis Lesieur Lüderitz Speed Challenge

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