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Windsurfing has found a dedicated media support in the form of Since the spring of 2005, this site, fuelled by over 30 years of journalism in the field, has managed to keep intact the passion that unites windsurfers. However, successive and persistent crises have raised questions about the site's future., which remains a free medium, wishes to continue to inform and inspire its readers by reinventing its business model. Aware of the need to adapt, the site decided 2 years ago to launch a participative subscription, calling on its faithful readers to financially support the continuation of the adventure.
Conviction and passion remain the pillars of this medium, but the participatory subscription offers a new dimension. Passionate windsurfers, professional windsurfers, shop managers, brand owners - everyone is invited to become a part of The contribution of readers, whether occasional or regular, is a precious stone in the edifice of the site.
The participatory subscription promises to deliver daily windsurfing news, supported by the tools, network and know-how accumulated over the years. Contributors also have the opportunity to further encourage the site's content with an investigative, watchdog approach, and formats tailored to readers' needs.

But in the ever-changing digital world, a simpler and more trivial alternative is emerging: "Buy me for a coffee". With this practical solution, readers can express their gratitude and support by symbolically purchasing a coffee from This hassle-free payment system facilitates transactions, allowing fans like you to contribute financially at no extra cost. This alternative offers a more relaxed approach, allowing readers to enjoy the content without committing to an annual subscription, while actively supporting
The business model for windsurf journalism is evolving, and is exploring new ways to ensure its sustainability.
Whether through a subscription (and its many benefits) or a simple virtual coffee, windsurfing enthusiasts now have several ways to contribute to the continuity of's journalistic adventure.


Subscribe or... buy me a coffee!


Photo: Adi Goldstein


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