Défi Wind - Out of sight, out of mind


With almost 1300 entries, the Défi Wind in Gruissan in the South of France is shaping up to be the biggest event of the season, with a competition and a gathering whose success is undeniable...
For this 21st edition, which will take place from the 18th to the 21st of May, preceded by the Défi Kite from the 12th to the 14th of May and the Défi Wing from the 15th to the 17th of May, registration is still open and the party promises to be great, as this trailer shows, which will certainly motivate those who are still hesitating, because, as they say, windsurfers, kitesurfers or wingfoilers, those who are absent are always wrong!


Source: Défi Wind

tags: Défi Wind Gruissan

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