Defi Wind Experience


Every year the Défi Wind in Gruissan needs no introduction. It's a unique event that every windsurfer worth his salt must experience at least once in his life.
A demanding competition for professionals and amateurs alike, this event can be intimidating with the number of competitors on the start line and an often strong Tramontane.
After a successful first attempt last year, Dutch shop Surfcenter and slalom racer Jordy Vonk decided to join forces again in 2023 to offer an unforgettable experience, the Defi Wind Experience.
In the tradition of the coaching weeks, the idea is to accompany a group and prepare them as much as possible with physical training, an evening at the Surfcenter shop before the event to exchange ideas and also offer coaching before and during the event.
In a video a few weeks later, we look back on a great adventure lived by 18 "newcomers" to the Défi Wind, accompanied and guided by one of the best slalom racers in the world!


Source : Surfcenter

tags: Defi Wind Experience Jordy Vonk Surfcenter Défi Wind

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