Almanarre by drone with Videociel


Like the slalom racers on the PWA World Tour, professional drone pilots have to be at the cutting edge of equipment and performance.
Eric Emmanuel of Videociel, a cameraman and experienced pilot who worked on the AFF Brets Funboard Tour (the French Championship) and some French events of the PWA Tour a few years ago, recently swapped his DJI Inspire 2 for a Mavic 3 Pro Ciné. A new toy that he has been testing over the last few days at the Almanarre spot in the south of France.
With easterly winds between 25 and 32 knots, this 1st test was a clear success with impressive stability in the air and some cool slalom footage of Pascal Boulanger, Fabrice Robert, Jimmy Thiémé and Nicolas Goyard in action!


To find out more about Videociel:


Source: Videociel

tags: Videociel Almanarre

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