Alessio Stillrich in action at Pozo Izquierdo


Spearheading the Simmer Style team, Alessio Stillrich is one of the most talented and stylish waveriders of his generation, with a push loop that he is a master of and recognizable by all.
At Pozo Izquierdo on the island of Gran Canaria in the Canaries, E-95 imposes his style and ease at each of his sessions, the proof in video with this superb production signed by Daniel Meana and in the program, the summary of Alessio Stillrich's summer sessions in the middle of testing waveboard prototypes for 2023 and 2024...


To find out more about Alessio Stillrich:


Source : Alessio Stillrich

tags: Alessio Stillrich Pozo Izquierdo Gran Canaria

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