A kona wind session in Maui


Taking place over a total of 5 authorised days between 23 October and 3 November, the Maui Strong Aloha Classic got underway at the start of the week with conditions that were unusual, to say the least... From Monday 23 October, it was the kona wind that was in the air, a rare westerly wind, the opposite of the traditional north-easterly to easterly trade wind.
Although the race directors didn't want to lose a precious day of competition in conditions that were too unpredictable, some people still took the opportunity to train at Lanes, the neighbouring Hookipa spot.
The proof is in this cool Maui Nature Channel production featuring Ricardo Campello, Antoine Martin, Thomas Traversa and a certain Robby Naish!


To find out more about Maui Nature Channel: www.instagram.com/naturemauichannel


Source: Maui Nature Channel

tags: Ricardo Campello Antoine Martin Thomas Traversa Robby Naish Lanes

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