For 25% of this year's competitors, the Défi Wind will be a totally new experience from 9 to 12 May with its share of discoveries and surprises. In order to be ready on D-Day and to go the distance for 4 days, has put together a list of 10 tips to make your first Défi Wind unforgettable.
1/ Understand the spotwater
The Gruissan stretch of water stretches 10 km from the Chalets beach to Port-La-Nouvelle. Understanding this vast area is vital to optimising your race. Don't forget that the wind is generally stronger in Port-La-Nouvelle, with 5 to 10 knots more.
2/ Prepare yourself physically
With a leg of almost 40 km (and 2 or even 3 races in a row during the day!), the Wind Challenge is a real physical challenge. Make sure you're in good shape to tackle this demanding distance.
3/ Managing the chop
Offshore, choppy waters become a formidable obstacle. Opt for intelligent routes and favour the flat. Avoid working yourself into the chop to save energy. The further offshore you go, the deeper the water becomes and the harder it is to go fast without tiring.
4/ Control the direction and strength of the wind
The Tramontane, the dominant wind, generally blows from the north-west. However, keep an eye on its direction every day: a more northerly wind (370°) will make it harder for you to return, while a more westerly wind (270°) will make life easier.
5/ Adapt your trajectory
If you find yourself getting tired en route, opt for a starboard tack to make it easier to get back to the beach. This trick can save you precious time.
6/ Beware of sandbanks
Brown water often indicates the presence of sandbanks. Stay vigilant, as the wind can change direction during the day and the light can also play tricks on you.
7/ Make sure you have the right equipment
Make sure you have the right equipment for all wind and chop conditions. A well-tuned sail and the right board can make all the difference.
8/ Analyse the weather conditions
Before you set off, study the weather forecasts carefully to adjust your strategy accordingly. A good knowledge of the weather conditions can help you anticipate changes and optimise your final result.
9/ Be strategic about your stops
If you need to take a break, choose your time and place wisely to minimise wasted time. Take advantage of natural shelters or areas where the wind is lighter.
10/ Enjoy the experience
Finally, remember that the Défi Wind at Gruissan is above all a unique and rewarding experience. Make the most of every moment on the water, whether it's for the competition or simply for the pleasure of sailing with other windsurfing enthusiasts from all over the world.
Source: Défi Wind
Photos: Défi Wind/Jean Souville - Défi Wind/Louis McHugh