, the Facebook group


At the start of 2024, windsurfing enthusiasts can look forward to a new feature that promises to boost exchanges and strengthen links between fans. is relaunching its dedicated Facebook group, adding an unprecedented interactive dimension to its virtual world.
Facebook, already a stronghold for fans of online sharing, has seen the emergence of a new player with the group. Taking its cue from the forum, the Facebook group has established itself as a privileged space for exchange between members, favouring horizontal rather than vertical discussions. Unlike traditional pages, the group offers a dynamic platform for more in-depth discussions, a community driven by its own members.
This tool allows members to be selected, while benefiting from the active moderation of dedicated administrators. The administrators take on the role of facilitators, ensuring the quality of exchanges, establishing rules of conduct and warmly welcoming newcomers.
The Facebook group aims to transcend the simple distribution of content by encouraging dynamic exchanges within a human-sized community, destined to grow over time. This interactive platform is positioned as a privileged place for discussion during ephemeral events, for exchanges between passionate friends, or to create a close-knit community sharing the same love for windsurfing. While the Facebook page remains a powerful information tool, the group is asserting itself as a space where the community takes centre stage.
A fresh wind is blowing at the start of 2024, and enthusiasts are invited to join this collective adventure, where each member contributes to bringing the passion for windsurfing to life.


Find out more about the Facebook group


Photo: Christina Cerda

tags: Facebook

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