Spicare Omaezaki Japan Cup, 72 hours before the start


The Spicare Omaezaki Japan Cup in Japan clearly did not live up to expectations and ended on 21st March with the local rider Motoko Sato winning the women's event and the 8 waveriders still in the running in the men's elimination table.
Omaezaki, in the spotlight of the world, showed a very shy face and far from his true potential, a potential that was nevertheless appreciated by the competitors who arrived a few days early.
On the 13th of March, 3 days before the start of the hostilities, all the elements were indeed gathered with Hawaiian and European waveriders too happy for this introduction in the company of the locals, as this nice summary of the day shows!


Source : Spicare Omaezaki Japan Cup

tags: PWA IWT Unified Wave Tour Spicare Omaezaki Japan Cup

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