Oda Johanne in Dakhla


Norway's Oda Johanne has been travelling the world for several years now, with a particularly busy schedule between the PWA World Tour and the clinics she organises around the globe.
Dakhla in Morocco remains one of the last destinations to be discovered for NOR-500, a place she recently had the opportunity to visit and discover the famous Speed Spot that has long been known and appreciated by kitesurfers.
On the agenda: a 4km stretch of sand that can be discovered at low tide, a perfectly flat, shallow stretch of water and an offshore wind - in short, all the ingredients for a perfect freestyle session!


To find out more about Oda Johanne: www.instagram.com/odajohanne_windsurfing


Source : Oda Johanne

tags: Oda Johanne Dakhla

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