Marotti - Mortefon, the crash that ended well


The sequence of the crash of Enrico Marotti and Pierre Mortefon in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands, during the TWS Pro Slalom Training, quickly went viral. With Enrico Marotti, we look back at this memorable fall, which fortunately was not serious for the two protagonists, despite the violence of the impact.

"Thank you all for the warm and friendly messages. It's really nice to see that people care about each other. I am fine and all is well!
I had a very bad accident on Thursday. Thanks to Pierre Mortefon and his unbelievable reaction I got out without a scratch. When I fell and was under water, I felt a hard blow on my head. I think it was his foil or his board... I don't know exactly. I was underwater when I felt it, so it's possible it was his foil too. At first I thought it was his mast, but after watching the video I realised it wasn't. The helmet broke on impact. The impact was so hard that everything but the rear wing and the mast was damaged. The reason for the crash is strange, I guess I hit something and the hull broke, I dived into the water and went from 29 knots to 0 in 1-2 metres.
I am happy after this crash because I am really aware of how lucky I was and that everything turned out fine! Thanks to Michele Becker for the video!"


Source: Enrico Marotti
Photos: Enrico Marotti

tags: Enrico Marotti Pierre Mortefon

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