Lüderitz Speed Challenge 2024, the video


Although only 11 competitors took part in this year's Lüderitz Speed Challenge in Namibia, the 2024 edition was nonetheless a great success, with Jenna Gibson (48.03 knots) and Antoine Albeau (53.49 knots) setting new windsurfing world speed records.
And as this attempt at speed comes to an end on 8 December after 5 weeks, the organising team invites us to take a look back in video at the best moments on the famous canal and on the neighbouring spot of Diaz Point with competitors who, in addition to the quest for ultimate performance over 500 metres, also experienced a unique human adventure on this spot deep in the African continent!


Source: Lüderitz Speed Challenge

tags: Lüderitz Speed Challenge Antoine Albeau Jenna Gibson

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