Episode 3 - Chasing Surazo - The Magic


In the 3rd and final part of the web series "Chasing Surazo" (see our articles over the last few weeks), Spanish waverider Marc Paré surprises us once again with this ultimate video shot in Chile. This country, with its beautiful and rugged landscapes, is the perfect playground for waveriding lovers.
What makes this experience so special is the way Marc Paré shares his passion with others. He is surrounded by people who share the same feelings about riding and who have travelled miles to be here. They share tips, smiles and unforgettable moments. And it's not just the connection with the people that counts, but also with the environment.
With this beautiful series of videos, Marc Paré proves that windsurfing is more than just a sport. It is a life experience, a way to connect with others and the environment, a source of joy and endless adventure.


For more information about Marc Paré: www.instagram.com/marcpare334


Source: Marc Paré

tags: Marc Paré Chasing Surazo

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