Enrique del Valle on the Nautical Mile


If the 500-metre race is the ultimate speed discipline, in some ways the equivalent of the sprint in athletics, the Nautical Mile, with its distance of 1852 metres, is another important benchmark in the World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC).
With almost 2 kilometres to cover, this exercise in style, which could be compared to the 3000 metres (again in athletics), requires speed, of course, but also endurance and a good ability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions.
Enrique del Valle
, from Tarifa in southern Spain, a regular on the Prince of Speed and present at La Palme last week, invites us to relive one of his runs over these famous 1852 metres, a distance that the best (like Antoine Albeau and his new record of 43.34 knots!) complete in less than 1'25''...


To find out more about Enrique del Valle: www.instagram.com/enriquedelvalle.719


Source: Enrique del Valle

tags: Enrique del Valle Prince of Speed La Palme

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