Action at Pozo in May


If June was rather poor in terms of conditions on the Pozo Izquierdo spot on Gran Canaria in the Canaries, May on the other hand turned out to be quite simply epic with summer conditions arriving a few weeks ahead of schedule.
With a front row seat on the spot, the Windsurf RAW Files team gives us a glimpse of what the famous Canarian spot could well be like from 1 July for the Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Gran Slam, with a summary in 3 videos of the days of 9, 11 and 14 May.
On the programme, strong winds, nice waves and among the locals on the water on those days, Philip Köster, Liam Dunkerbeck, Marino Gil, Moritz Mauch and Josep Pons!


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Source: Windsurf RAW Files

tags: Windsurf RAW Files Pozo Izquierdo

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