A tough session in Ténia


Finishing 5th in the Fiji Surf Pro, which officially ends on Sunday 11th June, Frenchman Antoine Albert was "almost" in his own backyard at this PWA IWT Unified Wave Tour event.
And with good reason: New Caledonia is just a few hours flight from the Fijian archipelago, and above all, the wave at Cloudbreak is very similar to the one at Ténia, a spot he knows like the back of his hand.
Well inspired, NC-21 had a few good sessions on the spot before leaving for Fiji, and in particular this session on 24 May, immortalised by Jérône Nadolny in the company of Yoan Despujols and Benjamin Bard-Stevenot.


To know more about Antoine Albert: www.instagram.com/antoine_albert_nc21


Source: Jérôme Nadolny

tags: Antoine Albert Yoan Despujols Benjamin Bard-Stevenot Ténia

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