A spring session in Omaezaki for Hayata Ishii


Omaezaki in Japan, a spot that mainly operates in autumn and winter, can sometimes offer some nice sessions in spring for those who know how to be opportunistic and take advantage of them.
Hayata Ishii, younger brother of Takara Ishii, one of the Japanese hopefuls to watch along with Takuma Sugi, was recently on the water at home, just a few days before leaving for the PWA World Tour event in Pozo Izquierdo.
On the agenda: nice conditions, a great Omaezaki spot (or almost) and a Hayata Ishii who is getting better with every passing month...


To find out more about Hayata Ishii: www.instagram.com/hayataishii


Source: Hayata Ishii

tags: Hayata Ishii Omaezaki

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